Welcome to Hamilton Middle School

Hamilton fosters lifelong global learners, through the nurturing of a compassionate and intercultural community that leads change towards a more peaceful world. As international educators, we promote balanced academic, physical, artistic, and emotional development for all students. We are proud to be an International Baccalaureate World School committed to nurturing the Whole Child, Every Child.

Main Office: 720-423-9500

Attendance Line: 720-423-9517

Fax Number: 720-423-9445

For general questions, record requests, and attendance: hamilton_middleschool@dpsk12.net


President’s Day/No School
Family Conferences
Family Conferences
Prize Day


Heads Up Hamilton, February 14, 2025

Hamilton Headlines Dear Families, Happy Valentine’s Day! I hope you all enjoy the holiday weekend ahead. Our Huskies will be back at school on Tuesday, February 18th. On Wednesday, February 19th, students will take their Spring Interim assessments. Interims areContinue Reading

Heads Up Hamilton, February 7, 2025

Hamilton Headlines Dear Husky Families, Thank you all so much for the warm welcome! It has been a pleasure to meet with parents and families this week and to listen to and learn about your hopes for Hamilton. From timeContinue Reading

Heads Up Hamilton, January 31st, 2025

Dear Hamilton Families, Thank you for your grace, patience, and flexibility over the past two weeks. We recognize that change and uncertainty can bring challenges, and we deeply appreciate your support as we work together to ensure a strong andContinue Reading

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Social Media Updates

We Love Our Sponsors!

Happy New Year!

Calling all Huskies! Do you know who the Planning, Design, and Construction team are at Denver Public Schools? If you didn’t before, you will now! They have a special message for our school as we head into the New Year, let’s take a look at our bond-funded construction progress report, given to us by Mr. T! #2020bond
