In-Person Health & Safety Guidelines


FIRST: Check Your Correct Group

Please double-check your student’s assigned group and make sure they report on the correct date and time above. Only students who selected in Parent Portal in-person can attend orientation, on the assigned days.

SECOND: Review Drop Off & Pick Up Procedures

DROP OFF: Please do not drop your student off in the Circle Drive out front. Students should be dropped off at the basketball courts at 9 am so they can walk onto the back field and line up with their cohorts, social distancing. We must complete the Health screening process prior to any student entering the building.

PICK UP: Please ensure you pick your student up at 3:15 pm.

THIRD: Health Screen & Masks

HEALTH SCREEN: Students will be given the following health screen prior to entry to the building. I ask all families to review this and screen your own student prior to sending them to school. Please do everything in your power to ensure you do not send your student to school with symptoms on the list. Any student who exhibits symptoms in the screening will be supported through our Nursing Team, to ensure they are properly cared for.

MASKS: It is absolutely required all students are wearing a mask at all times, except school-determined mask breaks and lunch. This is for everyone’s safety. While we value trauma-informed approaches to our mask requirement, students who do not adhere to this requirement could be moved to remote/virtual learning

❏Feeling feverish, having chills, or temperature 100.4°F or higher.
❏ New or unexplained persistent cough.
❏ Shortness of breath.
❏ Difficulty breathing.
❏ Loss of taste or smell.
❏ Fatigue.
❏ Muscle aches.
❏ Headache.
❏ Sore throat.
❏ Nausea or vomiting.
❏ Diarrhea.
❏ Runny nose or congestion.

DPS Mask Guidance: