Heads Up Hamilton: Friday, August 27


Free Lunch & Snacks for All Hamilton Huskies

Please complete the Lunch Application so our school may receive additional funding!!! Click here for more information.

The Week Ahead

Tuesday, August 31

  • Virtual Back to School Night from  5:00pm-7:00pm (more information below)
  • Fall Sports Tryouts from 4:15pm – 5:15pm (More information below)

Wednesday, September 1

  • Fall Sports Tryouts from 4:15pm – 5:15pm (More information below)

Registrar Esther Blackmonesther_blackmon@dpsk12.org/720-423-9505
AttendanceTJ Rameythomas_ramey@dpsk12.org/ 720-423-9504
Technology Daytona DriggersDaytona_Driggers@dpsk12.net/720-423-9542
School LiaisonDimarlys Suarezdimarlys_suarez@dpsk12.net/ 720-423-9456

Questions about schedule changes? Email amber_shearer@dpsk12.org

Questions about GT/504/SpEd? Email rachel_langberg@dpsk12.org

2021-2022 School Supply List

Supply list for 2021-2022 is now available. Click on the link to find supply lists for grades 6th-8th and electives. (add link and separate post)

Hamilton Drop-off/Pick-Up

School starts at 9:05 and we dismiss at 4:05. We do not have supervision available for your child prior to 8:45. Please DO NOT drop your child off prior to that time . Because we value the safety of our students and community we ask that you follow the drop off and pick up procedures listed below: 

  • The front of the school is reserved for emergencies, visitors to the front office and buses/transportation only.
  • Drop-off and pick-up are at the northside of school building near the basketball courts along Dartmouth ONLY. 
  • At drop off quickly say goodbye to your child and move along so others can drop and go. 
  • At pick-up you may park safely  and wait for your child. After you child arrives pull out of the lane safely to allow others to  . 
  • If there is no space available and you drop-off and pick-up up across the street or other side streets in the neighborhood, we ask that you insist your child USE THE CROSS WALKS instead of darting between parked cars and traffic. 
  • At this time we do not have enough crossing guards to cover all streets.(We would be happy to train any volunteers to assist us  if you are interested)

Registration for Fall Sports

Registration  for early fall sports (boys soccer, cross country, & softball) is open. Registration links can be found on the Hamilton Website Athletics page

All early fall sports will have tryouts on August 31st and September 1st from 4:15pm – 5:15pm. ALL athletes must register and have an updated & signed physical, BEFORE they are allowed to try out. We will not accept online physicals. Students must bring a hard copy to the front office or to the coach on the first day of tryouts. If your child has any circumstances that might cause them to miss practices, please contact their coach directly.

If you have any questions please contact, Coach Elmore, Athletic Director Victoria_Elmore@dpsk12.org

Back to School Night

Back to School Night will be virtual on Tuesday, August 31, 2021. All in-person Hamilton events are postponed for now. Keep a look out for an email next week with links to teacher videos and our Q & A session from 5:30pm-6:30pm. The Hamilton Team is looking forward to meeting you.

Technology Update 

Dear Families, your scholars should already have received a school-issued Chromebook and charger last year.  If they are new to the district or need a new Chromebook due to damage, they will receive one on the first or second day of school. You MUST fill out this form so that we are able to prepare accordingly for our scholars to make sure we have what we need on hand for all scholars to be successful. Please have your scholar notify their teacher if they need a new Chromebook.

Lunch Information

All DPS students will have free snacks and lunch this year. For more information click on the link.

Transportation Information

Questions about transportation? Call 720-423-4699 or email  transportation@dpsk12.org

Parent Portal

  • Log in to Myportal.dpsk12.org
  • Tech. support? Call 720-423-3163 or email dps_portalteam@dpsk12.org

COVID-19 Vaccines For Students

Update on Masking and Health Procedures for the Start of School

Please click here to read more. 

PTSA Information


The Hamilton Parent Teacher Student Association (PTSA) welcomes ALL Hamilton families, staff, and students to become members! CLICK HERE to complete a membership form and pay annual dues.

Join Our Hamilton Team

Join our Hamilton Team! We are currently looking for Special Education and English paraprofessionals, Spanish teacher, and IB Coordinator. If interested please email your resume to our Administration team or you can drop it off at our front office.



Experience feel good shopping! Begin your shopping at smile.amazon.com and Amazon will donate 0.5% of eligible purchases to Hamilton at no cost to you!


The new and improved Box Tops mobile app uses state-of-the-art technology to scan your store receipt, find participating products and instantly add Box Tops to your school’s earnings online. Learn more at boxtops4education.com.


Thank you Hamilton families for your support. Your help with donating any of these classroom supplies at any time during the school year is appreciated. If you would like to donate school supplies, click here for more information.