Heads Up Hamilton: Friday, September 17


Free Lunch & Snacks for All Hamilton Huskies

Complete the Lunch Application so our school can receive all funding allotted. Click here for more information.

The Week Ahead

Monday, Septemeber 20

  • BESS Screening Window (9/13-9/27)
  • Softball Away Game (4:00 pm)

Tuesday, September 21

  • BESS Screening Window (9/13-9/27)
  • All sports (soccer, softball, and cross-country) practice 4:15 pm-5:15 pm
  • Hamilton’s Dine Out from 5:00-9:00 pm (Chipotle)

Wednesday, September 22

  • BESS Screening Window (9/13-9/27)
  • All sports (soccer, softball, and cross-country) practice 4:15 pm-5:15 pm
  • Softball Home Game (4:00 pm)

Thursday, September 23

  • BESS Screening Window (9/13-9/27)
  • All sports (soccer, softball, and cross-country) practice 4:15 pm-5:15 pm
  • Cross Country Smackdown (3:45 pm)

Friday, September 24

  • BESS Screening Window (9/13-9/27)
  • Boy’s Soccer Home Game (4:00 pm)

School Reminders

  • 9/27- NO SCHOOL Non-student Contact Day
  • 9/20 – CSC Nomination Form due  (link)
  • 9/21-9/28 – 6th Grade NNAT Universal Screen
  • 10/5- Hamilton’s Fall Fest (5:00 pm-6:30 pm)
  • 10/6- PTSA Zoom meeting 5:30-6:30 
  • Free Citizenship Assistance with Catholic Charities of Denver (click on the link for more information)
  • September is Suicide Prevention Awareness Month (click on the link for more information)
  • Hispanic Heritage Month Sept. 15-Oct. 15 (click on the link for more information on local events)
  • Parents Encouraging Parents (PEP) Conferences are designed for Colorado parents and professionals of children with disabilities in public school, aged birth to 21. (click on the link for more information)

Don’t forget a water bottle every day! The heatwave this week has made it vital for kids to stay hydrated during the day. Students are not allowed to drink from the water fountains due to COVID Safety guardrails. Water bottles can be refilled within the building with our water bottle electric fountains.  Tip: Have your child leave their school water bottle in their lockers at the end of day or have an extra one to place in their lockers in case they forget. 

Nurse’s Note- We are quickly going through our shorts stash. If you have any shorts lying around that you feel like donating, we will gladly take them off your hands.

Yearbook wants to hear from you! We are seeking input as to what step to take for this year’s yearbook. Please answer the following question by clicking on the survey link.

LifeTouch School Pictures- For help ordering pictures online please contact Lorene Kennedy at 303-565-5203 or lorenek@lifetouch.com

Hamilton Swag Shop is NOW OPEN! Grab your Husky swag here.

Safety Reminders

  • School starts at 9:05 and we dismiss at 4:05. We do not have supervision available for your child prior to 8:45. Please DO NOT drop your child off prior to that time.
  • Please DO NOT make U Turns when dropping/picking up students. This is a safety issue we are seeing too often and our safety guards will be giving out tickets. 
  • The front of the school is reserved for emergencies, visitors to the front office and buses/transportation only.
  • Please adhere to the school speed limit and drive SlOWLY during drop-off/pick-up.
  • We ask that you insist your child USE THE CROSSWALK or CROSSING GUARDS instead of darting between parked cars and traffic when crossing the street. 
  • We are looking for additional crossing guards. If you are interested in becoming a crossing guard (see flyer) 

Thank you all for your help in ensuring the safety of our scholars at Hamilton.

No Cost Healthy Choice Food Box Home Delivery for Denver Parents

Are you interested in receiving FREE home delivery boxes for ten meals per month for a year? For more information or to sign up online click the link or call 720-675-7337. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our liaison, Dimarlys_suarez@dpsk12.org /720-423-9456

Fall Sports Schedules

Fall sports have begun. The schedules can be found below. If you have any other questions, contact the coach directly or visit Hamilton’s Athletics page for more information. All sports (soccer, softball, and cross country) practice on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 4:15 pm-5:15 pm. 

Collaborative School Committee (CSC)

Every school within the Denver Public School District has a Collaborative School Committee (CSC) in place. The CSC brings together staff, parents, students, and community members to create and implement a plan to promote high achievement within the school.

Being a part of the CSC is an exciting opportunity to be involved in our school community, not to mention to participate in the education of all our students. Our school is working towards some great goals and we believe that by working together, we can achieve them! This year we have two parent openings on our CSC. We will meet on the second Tuesday of every month beginning October 12, 2021.  Click here for more information about CSC and see the here for letter and CSC nomination form below.

How to Support Hamilton Middle School?

PTSA Information


The Hamilton Parent Teacher Student Association (PTSA) welcomes ALL Hamilton families, staff, and students to become members! CLICK HERE to complete a membership form and pay annual dues.

PTSA Dine Out Fundraiser

Join us at Chipotle for a PTSA fundraiser to support Hamilton Middle School. Just come to the Chipotle at 7350 E Hampden Ave Unit B-2 in Denver on Tuesday, September 21st from 5:00 pm to 9:00 pm. Bring in this flyer, show it on your smartphone or tell the cashier you’re supporting the cause to make sure that 33% of the proceeds will be donated to Hamilton Middle School PTSA

NEW! ORDER ONLINE FOR PICKUP Use code GTDATZF before checkout in the ‘promo’ field. Orders placed on Chipotle.com or through the Chipotle app for pickup using this unique code will be counted towards the fundraiser.

Other Ways to Support Hamilton


Simply shop at smile.amazon.com and tap on “AmazonSmile” within the Programs & Features menu or Settings and follow the on-screen instructions. AmazonSmile will donate to Hamilton Middle School PTA, at no cost to you!


The new and improved Box Tops mobile app uses state-of-the-art technology to scan your store receipt, find participating products and instantly add Box Tops to your school’s earnings online. Learn more at boxtops4education.com.


Connect your Loyalty Card to Southmoor Elementary!

  • Click on the link
  • Link your account to Hamliton Middle and King Soopers will donate a portion of every dollar you spend back to our school.

Thank you Hamilton families for your support. Your help with donating any of these classroom supplies at any time during the school year is appreciated. If you would like to donate school supplies, click here for more information.

Our Design and Modeling STEM students will be designing and building prototypes of a foot orthosis (brace) for children with cerebral palsy. We need A LOT of supplies for the students to use. If you have any of the following materials in your home that you would be willing to donate please contact our school Liaison Dimarlys_suarez@dpsk12.org or bring them down to the front office. Thank you for your generosity and continuous support. 

A huge THANK YOU to the Optimist Club of Monaco South for the gracious donation.

Dress Code Policy

We at Hamilton Middle School believe that a scholar dress policy is an essential aspect of creating a school environment that is conducive to learning, safe, and free from unnecessary disruption. Therefore, in cooperation with faculty, families, and scholars, Hamilton has developed the following, revised dress code policy for 2021-2022, founded on DPS Policy JICA, which will be enforced in the building, on school grounds, and at school functions and activities. Any discrepancies between a Scholar’s perception of the dress code and these outlined rules will be reviewed by the Administration. This dress code is not gender-specific and is the expectation for all Hamilton Scholars. Here’s a link to our Dress Code policy.

Technology Update 

Dear Families, your scholars should already have received a school-issued Chromebook and charger last year.  If they are new to the district or need a new Chromebook due to damage, they will receive one on the first or second day of school. You MUST fill out this form so that we are able to prepare accordingly for our scholars to make sure we have what we need on hand for all scholars to be successful. Please have your scholar notify their teacher if they need a new Chromebook.


Registrar Esther Blackmonesther_blackmon@dpsk12.org/720-423-9505
AttendanceTJ Rameythomas_ramey@dpsk12.org/ 720-423-9504
Technology Daytona DriggersDaytona_Driggers@dpsk12.net/720-423-9542
School LiaisonDimarlys Suarezdimarlys_suarez@dpsk12.net/ 720-423-9456
Transportationtransportation@dpsk12.org/ 720-423-4699
GT/504/SpEdRachel Langbergrachel_langberg@dpsk12.org

Parent Portal

  • Log in to Myportal.dpsk12.org
  • Tech. support? Call 720-423-3163 or email dps_portalteam@dpsk12.org

COVID-19 Updates

  • Gaiters and vented masks are NOT permitted at DPS, even if it has two layers or is folded to create two layers.
  • Please send them to the nurse’s office for an approved mask.
  • DPS Update on Masking and Health Procedures