Hamilton Administration Letter to Husky Families



It has come to our attention that many students are leaving class to take calls from their families, as well as missing instruction because they are responding to texts from family members during class time. If there is an emergency and you need to connect with your child during the day, please call the office at 720-423-9500 and we will locate your child to share the message. Otherwise, please wait until after 4:05 pm, as cell phones are not allowed in class. Please see the information below, as it pertains to cell phone use during the school day. 

Remind students they should not have their phones with them during class. If students view their phones as an extension of their being, they may turn the phone off and keep it hidden during class. (Not like hidden in a Chromebook where they can still access it, but you can’t see it, but hidden like in a pocket, and kept out of their sight to avoid distraction from learning.)

Teachers have let students know if they see a phone, they will take it. (Students have already received ample notification that the phones should not be in class.) 

Additionally, students have a choice of putting the phone into a pocket chart at the beginning of class, and can take their phone out at the end of class. 

Teachers may return phones at the end of the class period, however, students are also reminded the phone will be kept for the remainder of the day if the expectation is not met a second time. Students should heed the advice to leave their phones in their lockers, as all teachers are following these practices. 

Families will be notified that the child’s phone was taken, and teachers will review the expectation of not having a phone in class. Families should know the phone will be kept all day in the future. Should the phone be taken a third time, administration will take the phone and hold it until an adult comes to the school to collect it. 

These directions have also been added to Guest Teacher Plans so Guest Teachers are aware of the expectations, too.

In case of an emergency, please call the office at 720-423-9521 and we will locate your child to share the message.

Wish you well,

Hamilton Administration