Spring Sports Registration Now Open!


Registration for Spring Sports are now open

Registration is now open for Girls Soccer, Baseball, 6th-gradeĀ Girls & Boys Basketball, & Futures football.

All tryout dates for Hamilton Spring Sports will be announced after President’s Day Weekend. You must check with your High School for tryout dates for Futures.

To register for:

* Remember ALL athletes must register and have an updated & signed physicalhaga clic aqui para espanol, BEFORE they are allowed to tryout*

We will not accept online physicals. Students must bring a hard copy to the front office or to the coach on the first day of tryouts. Physicals are good for 1 year following the Dr.’s appointment. Students do not need to bring a new physical if they have already participated in tryouts this year unless the physical is over 1 year old.

Please check out our website for more links and information.

Reach out if you have any questions,

Coach Elmore, Athletic Director
