Message from Mrs. Dillon


Dear Families,

We have had a wonderful week with students and staff at Hamilton. The increased supervision in the hallways by Deans, Administrators, and Teachers has created a calmer environment for students in classes and in school’s common spaces. 

I am very happy to announce that our attendance has increased by 2.5% points from January to February. Presence in classrooms is essential for student success, let’s continue to work together to make sure students are here for every class every day. 

Starting next week, masks are strongly recommended but not required. DPS will continue to collaborate closely with and follow the guidance of the experts at CDPHE and Denver Health who have been the district partners throughout the pandemic. 

Parents and guardians will continue to show identification when picking up their children and wait outside. We follow district protocol to complete background checks for all volunteers who work with students in the school. Families may now schedule in-person meetings with school personnel or continue to meet virtually depending on their preference.

Thank you for your partnership with us. 

Fernanda Dillon


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