Our staff at Hamilton is excited to welcome every Hamilton family to the 2022-23 school year. Here are a few things we would like you to know before the start of the school year next week.
1st Week of School Phase In
We will have a gradual entry to give students and teachers opportunities to engage in relationship building, learn school routines and get their new lockers. Breakfast will be available starting at 8:20am for Hamilton students. Students who arrive before their assigned start date will be sent home.
Schedules will be available on the portal the day before the first day of school. Paper copies of schedules will be provided upon entry to the school on the first day of school. Schedules will be organized by last name at tables on the basketball court in the back of the school. Students will also receive a reminder about our No Phone Agreement.
Connection Events
HMS 2022-2023 School Calendar
We have created this one-page calendar to post on your refrigerator with important dates for families. We will continue to update and add dates throughout the school year. Our most up-to-date calendar is on our website and can be found here. Feel free to reference this calendar anytime.
Before and After School Activities/School Sports
We are very excited to announce that Hamilton Middle will have before and after school activities. We have wonderful partnerships and can’t wait to start. Here is a quick reference of what will be offered. For more information about school sports, please visit our Athletics page here.
Sign up for Digital Deets
Hamilton will be using Digital Deets to streamline school-to-home communication this year. Their “one app for all” solution enables all of the members of a school community to easily receive information. Here’s how you can sign up:
Fill out the Lunch Application
All Hamilton families should complete this application as it helps the school receive funds. The submission and approval of a Household Application for Student Meal Benefits provides advantages beyond eligibility for free or reduced priced meals. It also helps ensure students receive the maximum amount of benefits they are eligible for, including discounts on bus passes and some school fees, such as athletics, and reduced AP testing fees. It ensures schools receive additional resources to support healthy meals for students and after school programs. Your assistance in completing and submitting the Household Application for Student Meal Benefits is greatly appreciated and has the potential to help all DPS schools. Apply now at
Bus stop information is now available on the Parent Portal. Click on this link to get instructions for finding bus stop locations and pick-up/drop-off times. If the Portal says “walker”, that either means the student is not eligible for transportation or they attend a school that uses the Success Express shuttle. If they attend a shuttle school, then they are automatically eligible and may board the bus at whichever stop/time works best for them. Shuttle schedules are available here. If you have any questions, call 720-423-4600 or email
Way to Go Schoolpool
Hamilton has teamed up with Way to Go to offer Schoolpool, a safe carpool matching service. Schoolpool connects neighboring families who may be a good fit for driving, walking or biking to school together. For more information contact our school Liaison Dimarlys Suarez at