
READ Plans are coming home this week for students who are not reading on grade level! Please check your child’s backpack or reach out to your child’s advisory teacher or for another copy. One of Hamilton’s major improvement strategies is to ensure all students, specifically students of color, students with disabilities, and multilingual learners shoulder the cognitive lift of grade-level tasks and texts from a district-approved curriculum. In Language and Literature classes, students are expected to read, write, and speak about texts. Lessons have a driving question/purpose, and target language for the day. Questions and tasks are sequenced to build knowledge and text evidence is necessary for responses. Students will learn to annotate and analyze the texts they read. We’re excited to partner with you this year! To help increase and expedite your child’s reading progress, ensure your student completes at least 60 minutes of Lexia EVERY week and ensure your student reads or is read to for 20-30 minutes EVERY night. (Use, as needed)