GT News


Happy March Hamilton Families!

I hope this information finds you and yours well. 

Students are diving into their creative Destination Imagination challenges, solving real life math problems, creating solutions to world-wide environmental issues through the Panasonic Eco Challenge, and critically analyzing their book studies. Ask your student about what they are doing in their GT small groups!

Reminder: this Thursday (3/9/23) our DPS GT team is hosting another Social Emotional Learning opportunity for GT families in both English and Spanish. Find more information here in English and Spanish

Have a great rest of your week and be sure to check out these opportunities:


Social Emotional Supports Night in Spanish

In-person event hosted by Denver Association for Gifted & Talented

March 23rd at 5:30pm

Location: 2030 W Alameda Ave

Click here for more information

Del Siegle Presentation: “Four Factors that Promote an Achievement-Orientation Attitude with Your Child”

Virtual webinar hosted by Renzulli Center for Creativity, Gifted Education and Talent Development

Thursday, March 9th at 8:00pm (Eastern Standard Time)

Click here for more information

“How to be a Lighthouse in the Storm: Communicating and Connecting with your Kids / Cómo ser un faro en la tormenta”

Virtual webinar hosted by PEN: Parent Engagement Network 

Thursday, March 16th at 12:00pm

Cost: Free or optional donation of $10

Click here for more information and to register


Watch with your kiddo and chat about these cool curiosities: 

You can sign up for weekly curiosity and puzzlement from GT aficionado, Ian Byrd, here.  


“The True Meaning of Gifted According to Linda Silverman” (Video Interview Clip from Bright & Quirky)

What To Do When Kids Worry (Neuro Diversity Podcast)

Parent’s Guide to Gifted Children  (Book for purchase launching in April)

“Stop Being So Hard on Yourself: The High Sensitivity Personality” (Article from Talent Development Resources)