From the Nurse’s Office


Welcome to the 2023-24 School Year!

Please see some information below as we prepare to start the school year: 

Immunizations: Colorado law requires all students attending Colorado schools to be vaccinated against certain diseases unless an exemption is filed.  These exemptions include medical and nonmedical exemptions. Nonmedical exemptions need to be completed and filed yearly.  Information can be found at

If your child’s immunizations were not uploaded during the registration process, those records may be dropped off at the school or emailed to the nurse @ 

Medications: All medications brought to the school are required to have a physician order completed on an Asthma, Seizure, or Allergy and Anaphylaxis Action Plan/Medication Order or on a General Medication form for all other medications.  These forms need to be completed and signed by your physician and by a parent.  The parent needs to sign the order for the nurse or delegated staff to be able to administer to your child. Bring the form and the medication to the school and give it to the nurse.  Medications may not be brought to the school by the student.  All prescription medications need to be in the original container with the original label that includes your child’s name, medication, dosage, route. 

Over-the-counter medications need to be unopened and labeled with your child’s name.  These forms can be found on our website @

You may drop off the forms and medications between 9:00-3:00p, the Friday before school starts 8/18/23.  You may also bring them on the first day of school 8/21/23. Please bring these forms, along with the medications to the school, especially if the medication is a scheduled medication or an emergency medication, so that we are prepared on the 1st day of school. 

Health Concerns: Lastly, if your child has a health concern and you would like to set up an appointment to discuss, please reach out via email at Thank you and I look forward to this new school year!