Tuesday 10/17, 4:00 – 4:45 pm
Learn about all 3 of our Parenting Partners Programs!
Parenting Partners is a branch of Family Leadership Inc. that provides lessons for parents to increase connection, and academic achievement for students. We are offering 3 programs this year: Family Meal Times, Parenting Partners, and Calm & Kind. For schools/parents unable to attend our in-person reunion, I will be hosting 2 virtual session options for attendees. RSVP HERE!
Join Zoom Meeting (Tuesday 10/17 session)
Meeting ID: 844 2227 0524
Passcode: 570848
One tap mobile
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+12532158782,,84422270524# US (Tacoma)
LGBTQ+ Resources will be available on Friday, October 16th!
Please check back here for the link or visit the FACE University – LGBTQ+ tab!
PFLAG and FORTALEZA FAMILIAR both had very different LGBTQ+ content, and I learned a TON in both sessions!
Thank you Val & Ellie for leading these sessions!
Need other resources? Check out our Resource Hub!!
Learn tips about how to raise media smart kids, including managing family media use, choosing age-appropriate media, limiting social media, choosing cell phones, and using safe district library resources. Register here.
From the DPS Substance Use Prevention Team- Raise your awareness about some of today’s toughest parenting issues: youth substance use, mental health and digital safety. The goal of this session is to educate parents about the latest trends, signs of risky behavior and tips for effective parent/child communication. The presentation will be packed with strategies and practices parents can use to prevent high risk behaviors and will offer guidance about how to seek help for students that are struggling. RSVP Here!