El boletín en español y el contenido sobre salud mental estarán disponibles el próximo lunes.
Request another Language here or on the website.
Happy New Year Families FACE University is back!
Our Mental Health Videos & Presentations are available HERE!
Upcoming at FACE University…..
Thursday, February 1st, 9:00 AM – 10:00 AM: ED Care – EDCare provides services for adolescents experiencing an eating disorder. This workshop is the educate parents and school staff members on EDCare’s services and how we can be a resource to the community needing a higher level of care. RSVP HERE!
Thursday, February 8th, 5:00 PM – 6:00 PM: Social-Emotional Learning 101 – Join us to learn what SEL is, how it is used in schools, and why it is important. RSVP HERE!
Tuesday, March 5th, 5:00 PM – 6:00 PM: Social-Emotional Learning At Home – Learn how to bring these SEL skills to life in your home for yourself, your child, and your family. RSVP HERE!
The Rest of the year will feature Social Media Safety and Navigating our School District – Stay tuned!