Heads Up Hamilton, October 25, 2024


Dia De Los Muertos Celebration

Hello Hamilton Community,

We still need your help with our upcoming Dia De Los Muertos Celebration on Wednesday, October 30th. If you can help, please scan the QR code in the flyer below or CLICK HERE to see the ways you can help.

The Week Ahead

Monday, Oct. 28th

  • Early Release @ 1:00 PM

Tuesday, Oct. 29th

  • Boys and Girls Flag Football – Hamilton vs Placebridge @ Cook Park. Game times are 3:30 PM (girls) and 4:30 PM (boys)

Wednesday, Oct. 30th

  • Dia De Los Muertos Celebration/Open House for 5th grade families from our 5 feeder schools

Thursday, Oct. 31st

  • Halloween Dress Up Day ($1 must have been paid to SLL’s prior to dress up day)
  • Boys and Girls Flag Football – Slavens vs Hamilton @ Hamilton MS. Game times are 4:00 PM (girls) and 5:00 PM (boys)

Friday, Nov. 1st

  • Goodbye October and Hello November!!!
  • No School for students/PD Day for Staff.

Admin Updates

From the desk of the Principal:

Happy Friday Hamilton Families!

We had a busy week this past week with our first interim assessment taking place on Wednesday. Below are some highlights and updates of what has been taking place at Hamilton!

  • We hosted our second House Celebration today with the winners of October, Reveur House! Reveur House Members got to have snacks and pick one of three spooky movies to watch in the afternoon. Thank you to those parents that came in and supported this celebration.
  • Congratulations to Ms. Shaw, our music teacher, who was a recipient of the DPS Foundation’s A to Z Grant for funds to support learning in her classroom. She also received the Evaluator’s Choice Award! Big shoutout to Ms. Shaw for all the work she does for Hamilton students.
  • Monday October 28th is an early release day at 1:00 PM. Our staff will be engaging in professional learning around mental health in the afternoon.
  • Friday November 1st there is no school for Staff Professional Learning. We will be scoring and analyzing the data from the first interim assessment.
  • Your Voice/Tu Voz Survey. If you have not completed the Your Voice/Tu Voz survey, there is still time! Please complete the survey by Friday, November 1st. As a reminder, families with students at multiple DPS schools only need to complete the survey once. Please check out the videos in English and in Spanish to see the importance of completing this survey.

In partnership,

Hamilton Administration

Dr. Mark Fritzenschaft


Hamilton Middle School

What’s For Lunch?

Breakfast Menu Link for the Month of October

Lunch Menu Link for the Month of October

News from the Nurse

We are getting into Respiratory Virus Season! Please review the “How sick is to sick” document to determine if your child should attend school with an illness.

Hamilton PTSA

Here are the PTSA announcements for the week:

  • SUPPORT OUR HOUSE CELEBRATIONS:  This year PTSA is raising funds to help support our House System Celebrations for students.  This program helps promote positive behavior within the school and every single student benefits from the program.  Our goal is to raise $4,000 for celebrations throughout the school year. Each House would receive $1,000.  CLICK HERE TO DONATE.  Any amount is appreciated.  Share the link with family and friends!
  • Sport families – be sure to visit our spirit gear shop to see all of the customizable options for your specific sport.
  • Hamilton’s Dia De Los Muertos Celebrations needs volunteers!  CLICK HERE
  • November is going to be a busy month: 11/4 Poinsettia Sale Opens,11/5 Chipotle Dine Out, 11/7 Wish Gift Shopping Night, 11/9 Community Clean Up Day, 11/13 General Meeting

Staff Support Needs

News from FACE

1. Southwest Family Engagement Survey: Help us build strong and effective partnerships between families and school!One family will win a $50 gift card, and FIVE families will win tickets to the location of their choice: DMNS, Denver Childrens Museum, or History Colorado! 5 minutes to answer questions, and return by OCTOBER 31ST. Ticket winners will be notified November 4th.

Survey English 

Survey Spanish 

Survey Vietnamese