Spring STEM Fair

Posted March 4, 2021

Coming Soon! The Hamilton Middle School Virtual STEM Fair!

Did you know that a team of Hamilton 8th graders built a device that can measure greenhouse gas levels in your house? The Hamilton Huskies have been busy designing apps, 3D-printed inventions, and more this year in their STEM classes, and will soon have the opportunity to share their work with the rest of the school!

At the Virtual Hamilton STEM Fair, students, families, and staff will be able to explore some of the amazing projects our 6th, 7th, and 8th-grade designers have created this year. This event will be completely online so everyone in our community can join the STEM fun!

If you have ideas for the STEM fair or are interested in helping Ms. Kennedy and Ms. Fussner plan the event, email Ms. Kennedy at kirsten_kennedy@dpsk12.com or join the STEM Fair Planning Committee at our first meeting this Monday, March 8th at 5PM on Zoom: 

STEM Fair Committee Meeting: https://pltw.zoom.us/j/97136813202?pwd=aWpUUDl3N3hOVGcxb01CRWg1NDJ2Zz09
Meeting ID: 971 3681 3202Passcode: 223640

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