Collaborative School Committee (CSC)

The Hamilton Collaborative School Committee (CSC) is comprised of:

  • 3 parents
  • 1 teacher
  • 1 student
  • 1 community member
  • 1 representative from the PTA
  • and the school principal

Our role as a committee is to provide guidance, strategic support, and recommendations to the principal regarding resources to support the Unified Improvement Plan (UIP) and school programs.

Our meetings are usually held on Mondays each month from 5:00 pm -6:00 pm.

We ask that CSC members participate in the meetings and commit to being a member for two years, or one year where it applies.

The first 10 minutes of each meeting are available for public input. We will have 2 meetings a year (one each semester) that will be for our constituents – those groups that we represent.

In accordance with state statute, the CSC shall:

Act as the School Accountability Committee (SAC) for the building

Provide guidance, evaluation, and recommendations to the Principal and/or the Instructional Superintendent as to the following:

  • priorities for spending school moneys;
  • preparation of a school improvement plan;
  • preparation of a school priority improvement or turnaround plan, if either is required;
  • discuss whether school leadership, personnel, and infrastructure are advancing or impeding the implementation of the public school’s improvement, priority improvement, or turnaround plan, whichever is applicable, or other progress pertinent to the public school’s accreditation contract with the Board or the institute;
  • preparation of principal development plans for the principal;
  • provision of input for principal evaluations;
  • Increase the level of parent engagement in the school, especially the engagement of parents of students in the populations described in C.R.S. 22-11-401 (1) (d). The committee’s activities to increase parent engagement must include, but need not be limited to:
    • Publicizing opportunities to serve and soliciting parents to serve on the CSC. In soliciting parents to serve on the CSC, the CSC shall direct the outreach efforts to help ensure that the parents who serve on the CSC reflect the student populations that are significantly represented within the school.
    • Assisting the school district in implementing at the school the parent engagement policy; and
    • Assisting school personnel to increase parents’ engagement with teachers, including but not limited to parents’ engagement in creating students’ READ plans, in creating individual career and academic plans, and in creating plans to address habitual truancy.

The CSC will not:

  • participate in the day-to-day operations of the school;
  • be involved in issues relating to individuals (staff, students, or parents) within the school;
  • be involved in personnel issues (the School Personnel Committee will stand alone according to the current DPS/DCTA contract).

CSC Nominations & Representatives

Our CSC representatives are:

Members Present, Introductions

  • Principal
  • Terri Egner, Student
  • Melissa Megliola, Parent 
  • Maureen Quinlan, Community Rep
  • Jeff Bandy, Parent (Secretary)
  • Kris Sheikhan, Teacher (Chair)
  • Melody Johnson, PTSA Rep
  • Stacia Witmer, Parent

2024-2025 Meeting Dates:

Google Meet Link

  • 9/16/24
  • 10/28/24
  • 12/09/24
  • 1/13/25
  • 1/27/25
  • 2/10/25
  • 3/10/25
  • 4/14/25
  • 5/12/25

Minutes of CSC meetings will be posted in a timely manner on the school website.

CSC News

Hamilton Middle School Principal Hiring Timeline

Please click these links to read about the Principal Hiring Timeline (English & Spanish)

FACE Task Force Recruitment

FACE Task Force Recruitment The purpose of the task force is to build a DPS Engagement and Empowerment Blueprint that will identify the strategies that the FACE team will use to support schools in order to improve family-school relationships andContinue Reading

Hamilton Middle School Principal Selection Events | Eventos de Selección del Director de la Escuela Secundaria Hamilton

Please see the documents below announcing our three finalists: Dr. Johanna Strong, Dr. Mark Fritzenschaft, and Matthew Dodge! EnglishSpanishArabic