Heads Up Hamilton

Heads Up Hamilton is our weekly newsletter. It includes important dates, information, and resources for the Hamilton Community.

School Picture Days: Monday, 3/22 & Friday, 3/26

Lifetouch will be taking photos at Hamilton: Monday, March 22nd (A Group) from 12:00-6:00pm Friday, March 26th (B Group) from 12:00-6:00pm In-person learners will go with their cohorts during the school day to take pictures. Virtual learners will sign upContinue Reading

Heads Up Hamilton: Saturday, March 13, 2021

Upcoming Week Important dates & information for the week ahead. CMAS We will be pushing back the CMAS testing schedule so that all testing takes place after spring break! Currently, there is a bill in the state legislature that couldContinue Reading

Heads Up Hamilton: Sunday, March 7, 2021

Upcoming Week Important dates & information for the week ahead. CMAS We will be pushing back the CMAS testing schedule so that all testing takes place after spring break! We cannot publish the testing schedule at this time because weContinue Reading