Heads Up Hamilton is our weekly newsletter. It includes important dates, information, and resources for the Hamilton Community.
Inscríbase para las entregas de comidas de Colorado Food Cluster: Colorado Food Cluster (CFC) ofrece comidas gratuitas a jóvenes de 6 a 18 años … Sign Up for Colorado Food Cluster Meal Deliveries: Colorado Food Cluster (CFC) provides free meals…Continue Reading
Hi Hamilton Families, I am writing to review key dates and times for your planning. While we reviewed these in our Town Hall, I want to be sure you have the most updated information for your reference. Tuesday, 1/19 will be an…Continue Reading
Please join us for the first meeting of Hamilton’s African American Young Ladies Summit (AAYLS) this Wednesday, January 13 at 3:15 PM. Meeting Schedule Date & Time Activity Wed, Jan 13, 3:15 – 4:00 PM First girls’ meeting-Introductions/Fun/Focus Wed, Jan…Continue Reading
Resources Stay Connected FOLLOW HAMILTON ON SOCIAL MEDIAAs part of our continued effort to engage Hamilton families and community we will be posting more on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to share information and celebrate all the great things happening at…Continue Reading