Health Team

Meet Our School Nurse

Regan Thornburg
School Registered Nurse

Medical Forms

Medical FormsLinks
General Medication Forms
Formularios generales de medicación
*Not for inhalers, emergency seizure medication, or epinephrine injectors such as EpiPen.
*No para inhaladores, medicamentos para convulsiones de emergencia o inyectores de epinefrina como EpiPen.
English: Click Here
Español: Haga clic aquí
Asthma Forms | Formas de asma
*For inhalers | Para inhaladores
English: Click Here
Self Carry Rescue Inhaler
Inhalador de rescate automático
English: Click Here
Español: Haga clic aquí
Allergy / Anaphylaxis Forms
Formas de alergia / anafilaxia
English: Click Here
Self Carry Epi Pen Contract
Contrato de auto-transporte Epi Pen
English: Click Here
Español: Haga clic aquí
Emergency Seizure Forms
Formularios de convulsiones de emergencia
English: Click Here
Español: Haga clic aquí
Children’s Hospital of Colorado HIPPA Information Form
Formulario de información de la HIPAA del Children’s Hospital of Colorado
English: Click Here
Español: Haga clic aquí
Denver Health HIPAA Information Release Form
Formulario de divulgación de información de Denver Health HIPAA
English & Español: Click Here | Haga clic aquí

Please make sure your child brings their medication and completed medication form to the Nurse’s Office so we can ensure all students are able to return to Hamilton in the safest and healthiest way possible.

Denver Health Free Clinics

Please don’t forget, if you need assistance obtaining free access to medical providers who can assist you with this process, Hamilton Students all have access to free health care this year.  Huskies also have the ability to see these providers virtually (or in person in the case of our Denver Health Partners).  Please contact either Hazel Health or Denver Health at one of the links below if you need assistance to ensure your student has access to the medications they need while at school for the remainder of the school year.

News from the School Nurse

No-Cost Child Safe Kit for Hamilton Middle School

No-Cost Child Safe Kits for Hamilton Families. Use the digital request form to request your FREE kit. Digital request form


There is a new partnership between Denver Public Schools and Denver Health Mobile Clinic, aimed at providing convenient access to primary health care for our families. Please find attached detailed information about the services offered by the mobile clinic, includingContinue Reading