When bad weather or other unexpected events make it unsafe for students and staff to come to our school buildings, DPS may have a delayed start or cancel school for the day. The superintendent will make a decision based on information provided by the DPS Transportation team, local transportation agencies, and the weather bureau. You’ll find more details about what to expect here.
SchoolMessenger – If a Weather Delay or School Closure is announced, you will receive a call, text, and/or email through SchoolMessenger. Please make sure your contact information is up to date with your school’s front office and in Parent Portal.
Local News- If the decision is made to close or delay school, local television and radio stations will be notified immediately and broadcast regular announcements of school closures or delays. You can also visit thedenverchannel.com, 9News. com, kdvr.com, and denver.cbslocal.com. Notifications in Spanish will be made on radio newscasts on 1150 AM, 1280 AM, and 1090 AM.
Hotlines – A message announcing the closure or late start will also be left on the school district’s closure
hotline at 720-423-3200, as well as on the DPS Transportation hotline at 720-423-4600.
www.dpsk12.org – Emergency School Closures or Weather Delays will be posted here and on transportation.dpsk12.org.