Message from Mrs. Dillon
Dear Families,
We have had a wonderful week with students and staff at Hamilton. The increased supervision in the hallways by Deans, Administrators, and Teachers has created a calmer environment for students in classes and in school’s common spaces.
I am very happy to announce that our attendance has increased by 2.5% points from January to February. Presence in classrooms is essential for student success, let’s continue to work together to make sure students are here for every class every day.
Starting next week, masks are strongly recommended but not required. DPS will continue to collaborate closely with and follow the guidance of the experts at CDPHE and Denver Health who have been the district partners throughout the pandemic.
Parents and guardians will continue to show identification when picking up their children and wait outside. We follow district protocol to complete background checks for all volunteers who work with students in the school. Families may now schedule in-person meetings with school personnel or continue to meet virtually depending on their preference.
Thank you for your partnership with us.
Fernanda Dillon
Hamilton School Murals
We want your vote! Our wonderful Hamilton students have created murals to go up on the school walls and we want the community to vote. Please take a vote on which mural you would like to see on our walls first. Vote 1 for the first choice, 2 for the second choice, etc. Click the link to vote!
CSC Meeting
Join our CSC meeting next Monday, Feb. 28th @ 5:30 pm Join the Google Meet here
Our lost and Found is overflowing again! Please remind your student to look through the lost and found for any lost articles. All of our students pass by the lost and found in the lobby on their way to lunch and outdoor time. This is a perfect time for them to sneak a peek and look for their stuff. Once our Lost and Found gets too full to house we will have to bag it up and donate it. We will donate lost and found on March 4th.
District Accountability Committee (DAC)
Do you have a passion or desire to help improve Denver Public Schools by serving on an Advisory Board? If so, please consider applying to be a part of the District Accountability Committee (DAC). Applications are due by March 11th, 2022. Link to the flyers in multiple languages! Please send your DAC application to Sofiya Erman at: by March 11, 2022
School Reminders– Read more
February Virtual Town Hall Slides– Read more
8th Grade Continuation Requirements– Read more
DPS Declining Enrollment Advisory Committee– Read more
Want to Volunteer? Read more
Family Resources Read more
Hamilton Assessments
The CMAS, state summative assessment for language arts, math, science, and social studies will be administered this Spring. For more information on testing and schedule click here.
Great Opportunity! Learn how to backpack in the Rocky Mountains!
From trip planning and navigation to preparing backcountry meals, we will teach you the ins and outs of backpacking. This program includes 3 monthly workshops and 3-day hikes.
The final adventure is a 3 day/2 nights trip in Indian Peak Wilderness! Workshops take place at the Adams County Fairgrounds, day hikes will be at various locations along the Front Range.
For scholarship information, contact Apply by March 16th:
Last Chance to WIN a Chipotle Gift Card!?
Last chance to win! We have extended the raffle until Monday, Feb 28th! Try your luck and SIGN UP for Way to Go! Four winners who signed up will be randomly chosen and given a gift card for Chipotle to enjoy. SIGN UP TODAY!
Calling all Gifted & Talented and Talent Pool families!
Our GT & TP students will be showcasing their goal presentations in the cafeteria on Wednesday, March 9th from 4:30-5:00. Come enjoy some light refreshments and hear how to help your scholar finish the year strong!
Questions? Contact GT Itinerant, Chelsea Chappell-Cox at
Looking forward to seeing you there!
Enrichment for Our GT Students
Did you know that DPS runs a Curiosity series where experts in archeology, architecture, computer science, biochemistry, cooking, criminal justice, engineering, fashion design, medicine, AND MORE share their expertise with students?! OH MY!
They just opened to middle school students so have kids read about each topic and sign up here!
HMS Talent Show
Hamilton is having a Talent Show on May 13th! Stay tuned for more information on Auditions.
HMS Spring Musical is Here!
Aladdin will debut on April 28th and 29th. Save the date!
Want to help with the musical? Contact Ms. Nyhus or Ms. Suarez for more information.
The Art Room Needs You
Do you love to work with your hands? We are looking for community members to help make the Art Room look beautiful! Want to Help? Contact Mrs. Sheikhan or Ms. Suarez for more information.
Floor Hockey Practices are on Mondays and Wednesdays 4:15-5:30 pm
Broncos Futures Football 2022
QR Code To Register for Futures
Spring Sports Registration Now Open!
Registration is now open for Girls Soccer, Baseball, 6th-grade Girls & Boys Basketball, & Futures football. Click the link to read more. If you have any other questions, contact the coach directly or visit Hamilton’s Athletics page for more information. Coach Elmore
Click the link to be sent to the Nurse’s Office page for health forms.
Staying Safe and Healthy
We have automatic no-touch drinking fountains for students to fill their water bottles. Students are not allowed to drink water directly from the water fountain. Please make sure students bring a water bottle to school every day.
Students must bring a mask to school and wear it properly, covering their mouth and nose. If a student is not wearing their mask properly, we will call parents/guardians to support us and pick them up from school if the behavior continues. Please help us at home by talking to your student about proper mask usage and by providing them with a mask that fits comfortably.
Mental Health Services and Safe2Tell/Bullying Information
COVID-19 Vaccinations and New Protocols
Mark your calendars for our upcoming Hamilton Skate City nights: March 16th and May 18th, 6-8 pm. More details to come in the following weeks.
Our next General PTSA meeting will be on Wednesday, March 9th at 5:30pm on Zoom. Watch Digital Deets for information on how to log in.
The next dines out event will be Tuesday, March 15th at Birdcall. Watch Deets for more information.
Thank you for your continued support of the PTSA and we look forward to more opportunities to serve in 2022!
Students use the Chromebooks assigned to them every day in class and we need your partnership. It is the student’s responsibility to charge their Chromebook each night and to take good care of the device. When a student loses their Chromebook, a 280 dollars replacement fee will be added to their account. The fee will need to be paid by the family before a new device is checked out to the student. Please contact if you have questions about devices.
Wondering about how to navigate Schoology? Check out these resources for families!
DPS Schoology Resources for Parents:
DPS Schoology for Parents (2 min video)
Schoology Parent FAQ (doc)
If accessing Schoology via SmartPhone:
DPS Schoology- Parent Mobile App Login Instructions (doc)
Tips for Parents Using the Schoology mobile app (1.5 min video)
February is Black History Month, a time when the nation reflects and pays tribute to the generations of African Americans who fought with adversity to achieve full citizenship in American society, according to the official website. There are teaching resources provided from the National Archives, Library of Congress, National Endowment for the Humanities, National Gallery of Art, National Park Service, and United States Holocaust Memorial Museum available here.
We are committed to upholding an inclusive culture where students and team members can show up as their authentic and best selves. Click on the link to visit HMS Diversity Calendar for more information on what’s happening in the month of February!
The Hamilton Parent Teacher Student Association (PTSA) welcomes ALL Hamilton families, staff, and students to become members! CLICK HERE to complete a membership form and pay annual dues.
Simply shop at and tap on “AmazonSmile” within the Programs & Features menu or Settings and follow the on-screen instructions. AmazonSmile will donate to Hamilton Middle School PTA, at no cost to you!
The new and improved Box Tops mobile app uses state-of-the-art technology to scan your store receipt, find participating products and instantly add Box Tops to your school’s earnings online. Learn more at
Connect your Loyalty Card to Southmoor Elementary!
Thank you Hamilton families for your support. Your help with donating any of these classroom supplies at any time during the school year is appreciated. If you would like to donate school supplies, click here for more information. If you have any questions, contact the school liaison at 720-423-9456.
Registrar | Esther Blackmon | |
Attendance | TJ Ramey | 720-423-9504 |
Technology | Wes Akers | |
School Liaison | Dimarlys Suarez | 720-423-9456 |
Transportation | 720-423-4699 | |
GT/504/SpEd | Rachel Langberg | |