Welcome to Hamilton Middle School

Hamilton fosters lifelong global learners, through the nurturing of a compassionate and intercultural community that leads change towards a more peaceful world. As international educators, we promote balanced academic, physical, artistic, and emotional development for all students. We are proud to be an International Baccalaureate World School committed to nurturing the Whole Child, Every Child.

Main Office: 720-423-9500

Attendance Line: 720-423-9517

Fax Number: 720-423-9445

For general questions, record requests, and attendance: hamilton_middleschool@dpsk12.net


Spirit Week, 3/17-3/21
Kona Ice Days at Hamilton 4-5 PM
Prize Day
Spring Break/No School


From the Nurse’s Office

Welcome to the 2023-24 School Year! Please see some information below as we prepare to start the school year:  Immunizations: Colorado law requires all students attending Colorado schools to be vaccinated against certain diseases unless an exemption is filed.  TheseContinue Reading

Right At School Registration NOW OPEN

información en español Exciting news for Hamilton families! Through a partnership with DPS, Right At School is offering FREE after-school programming for students. The program will operate daily from school dismissal until 6:00 pm onsite at Hamilton.  Right At SchoolContinue Reading

DPS Community Hubs

Community Hubs are dedicated to promoting equity and inclusion across our communities. Everyone should have equal access to opportunities, resources, and support, regardless of their background. Our Community Hubs celebrate diversity while addressing the unique needs of our community members.Continue Reading

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Happy New Year!

Calling all Huskies! Do you know who the Planning, Design, and Construction team are at Denver Public Schools? If you didn’t before, you will now! They have a special message for our school as we head into the New Year, let’s take a look at our bond-funded construction progress report, given to us by Mr. T! #2020bond
