Heads Up Hamilton: Friday, October 28th


The Week Ahead

Monday, October 31

Tuesday, November 1

Wednesday, November 2

Thursday, November 3

Friday, November 4

Upcoming Events
  • 11/9 PTSA Meeting
  • 11/15 Dance Concert 6 pm
  • 11/28 High School Night at HMS
  • 11/29 Fall Play Rehearsal
  • 12/1-2 Fall Play 6 pm

Check out our Family Calendar and Year at a Glance Program Events Flier. We will continue to update and add dates throughout the school year. Our most up-to-date calendar is on our website and can be found here. Feel free to reference this calendar anytime.

Hamilton’s Fall Festival

Make sure to save the date on your calendar because it is going to be big!

What: HMS Fall Fest

When: Sat., Oct. 29th

Time: 10 am -1 pm

Where: Hamilton’s backfield

We need volunteers to help make the 1st annual Hamilton Fall Festival be super successful. Please use this Sign-Up Genius link to check out what activities and shifts are available.

We are going to need a lot of volunteers so please spread the word. Thank you!

Breathe for a Change Community Workshop

Did you miss our first workshop? No worries! We have them every 3rd Wednesday of the month.

  • Google Meet joining info
  • Or dial: ‪(US) +1 929-399-7684‬ PIN: ‪729 247 191‬#
PTSA Events
  • Poinsettia Sales 10/29 – 11/18
  • Defy Night out 11/10 6-8 pm  
  • Wish Shopping Night 11/16

Hamilton Administration News

Vote for a Construction Project for Hamilton

Hamilton Middle School needs to make a choice. Should we invest in a vestibule for the main office, in the gym, or new desks for every classroom? We want to hear from you! Vote here now!

Student Supervision

Please remember that student supervision does not start until 8:55 am unless the child is in the cafeteria for breakfast, which starts at 8:20 am, or for school enrichments they have signed up for. If your child is dropped off at school, they will not be able to enter the building until 8:55 am.

Weather Ready

As the weather gets cooler, please make sure students are coming to school with the appropriate weather attire as they do go outside after lunch.


Our lost and found is full. Please remind your students to check the lost and found during the day for any lost articles in the lobby before next Friday, Nov. 4th. We will be placing the items not picked up in our Clothes to Kids bin to be donated.

Hamilton’s Fall Festival is TOMORROW

The Fall Festival is this Saturday from 10:00 am -1:00 pm! We can’t wait to have fun with everyone! There is still time to sign up to volunteer at the 1st Annual Hamilton Fall Festival. Sign up today!

Skip the Lines and Get Your Tickets TODAY!

Buy now and pick up later. More information on pick-up will be sent out next week. Scan the QR code or click here to buy. All students must be accompanied by an adult to attend the festival.

Map of Event


School Hours

  • School hours are 9:05 am- 4:05 pm
  • School starts at 9:05 and doors open at 9:00
  • Breakfast is served between 8:20 and 8:45
  • No Early Pick-up After 3:45 pm (to ensure there is no interruption to their instructional time)
  • Adult supervision for our students will be available from 8:55 AM-4:05 PM ONLY unless your child is signed up for after-school activities.

Dress Code

Now that the weather is getting colder, we have seen students wearing pajama pants, which is not part of our dress code. Please click here to review our dress code. If a student comes to school wearing pajama pants we will call home and ask you to bring a change of clothes.

Application for Student Meal Benefits 

All Hamilton families should complete this application as it helps the school receive funds. The submission and approval of a Household Application for Student Meal Benefits provide advantages beyond eligibility for free or reduced-priced meals.  It also helps ensure students receive the maximum amount of benefits they are eligible for, including discounts on bus passes and some school fees, such as athletics, and reduced AP testing fees. It ensures schools receive additional resources to support healthy meals for students and after-school programs. Your assistance in completing and submitting the Household Application for Student Meal Benefits is greatly appreciated and has the potential to help all DPS schools.  Apply now at myschoolapps.com. If you have questions, please email foodservices@dpsk12.org.

Parent Teacher Home Visits at Hamilton

In case you missed the info session about the Parent Teacher Home Visit Program, check out the slide deck and interest form here.

SchoolPool Rideshare

We are still in need of carpooling in our community. If you are able and willing to shareride, please consider signing up. #HMSHuskyStrong

We have partnered with Schoolpool, a program to help parents get their students to/from school. It’s free and easy to use. It is a way to connect families who are willing to assist with rideshare in a safe way with those who need rideshare.

How does Schoolpool work?
  1. Using a computer (not a smartphone or tablet), create an account and register your household address or intersection with a link only obtained by emailing our school liaison Dimarlys Suarez, once you have been verified as a parent of a Hamilton child. To maintain the highest level of privacy and security, this link is the only way for Hamilton Middle school participants to register.
  2. Add comments to indicate special requests or preferences, such as “can provide morning rides in exchange for afternoon rides,” “student is in after-school activities,” or “looking for a walk buddy in the mornings.”
  3. Find and contact interested Hamilton families in your neighborhood or along your drive to/from school.
Ways to Support Hamilton

Ways to Support Hamilton


Simply shop at smile.amazon.com and tap on “AmazonSmile” within the Programs & Features menu or Settings and follow the on-screen instructions. AmazonSmile will donate to Hamilton Middle School PTA, at no cost to you!


The new and improved Box Tops mobile app uses state-of-the-art technology to scan your store receipt, find participating products and instantly add Box Tops to your school’s earnings online. Learn more at boxtops4education.com.


Connect your Loyalty Card to Hamilton Middle School!

  • Click on the link
  • Link your account to Hamilton Middle and King Soopers will donate a portion of every dollar you spend back to our school.


Thank you Hamilton families for your support. Your help with donating any of these classroom supplies at any time during the school year is appreciated. If you would like to donate school supplies, click here for more information. If you have any questions, contact the school liaison at 720-423-9456.

School News

Fall 2022 Dance Concert

Save the Date!

Our Fall 2022 Dance Concert will be on Tuesday, November 15th @ 6:00 pm. All dance students will be performing, make sure it is on your calendar. More details are coming! 

Brain Bowl and Denver Children’s Choir Group are still looking for students to join.

Are you a 6th grader!? Brain Bowl wants YOU!

Denver Children’s Choir is still looking for students who love to sing.

Join us on Mondays from 8:00 am- 8:55 am

Enrichments at Hamilton

Sims Fayola Foundation: Empowered Ambition Youth Development

15 spots are available next semester for 6th graders.

Young men of color engage in deep reflective work using restorative practices, conflict resolution, and goal-setting practices while developing their leadership skills, art skills, and financial literacy. Students are paired with online mentors to further facilitate the lessons and principles they engage with during weekly sessions. The goal is to assist young men and boys of color to increase their capacity to be better stewards of their choices, careers, and ultimately their lives, while developing into positive, culturally aware, and emotionally healthy young men. Are you interested? Email rachel_langberg@dpsk12.net

Denver Children’s Choir @ HMS

Denver Children’s Choir @ HMS


DCC meets every Monday from 8:00 am -9:00 am. If you have any questions please contact Mercedes Campana.

Want to join the fun? Fill out the application form online! Click here to fill it out.

Brain Bowl Wants YOU!

Brain Bowl Wants YOU!

Brain Bowl is off to a good start this year.  We currently have a 7th-grade team and an 8th-grade team for the competition, which will be on January 21 at Heritage High School in Littleton.  Are you in 6th grade and want to exercise your brain!? JOIN US on Tuesdays and Thursdays.


Brain Bowl will not meet on the following days:

Thursday, September 29

Tuesday, October 4

Thursday, October 6

The next Meeting is on October 11th

FREE Enrichment Sign Ups

Enrichment Sign Ups

Please fill out one form per child. See below for the extracurricular activities currently being offered at Hamilton.

Sign Up Form

Email Rachel_Langberg@dpsk12.net with questions. 


(Please note we are still working on our contract with Nexplore and KidztoPros and will update families as soon as we have more information and opportunities. THANKS in advance for your patience!)


Por favor llene un formulario por niño. Consulte a continuación las actividades extracurriculares que se ofrecen actualmente en Hamilton.

Envíe un correo electrónico a Rachel_Langberg@dpsk12.net si tiene preguntas.


(Tenga en cuenta que todavía estamos trabajando en nuestro contrato con Nexplore y KidztoPros y actualizaremos a las familias tan pronto como tengamos más información y oportunidades. ¡GRACIAS de antemano por su paciencia!)

Formulario de Registro

NextGen Denver Workshop

NextGen Denver

Earlier this year, Girls with Impact — along with U.S. Bank and Trimble— kicked-off NextGen Denver to bring an impactful College and Career Readiness program to young women (14-24) in Colorado.

Their goal is to equip your students with the skills, knowledge, and resources to become a part of the next generation of female leaders, innovators, and entrepreneurs through our comprehensive 10-week business and leadership academy.

This is a fantastic opportunity to give students a tremendous leg-up for college and career. Full scholarships are available ($995 normal tuition) – making the program fully free for those who qualify. All others get a 70% scholarship ($249).

Fall classes start the week of October 10 and will fill up, so sign-up today. Classes are held 1x/week from anywhere.

Get real work experience. Build your confidence. Network with peers nationwide.  

Register here now.

Qualify for FRPL? Use code: NEXTGENDENVER

All other students for 70% off use code: DENVER

Right at School Program

Right at School 
Every day from 4:05pm-6:00pm
email jennie.vie@rightatschool.com
Fill out the registration here. (Access Code: DPSHamilton22)
ONLY 40 spots available. Kids receive daily homework support, hands on learning experiences, engage in activities like chess, art, reading, and team projects, and participate in fitness games and sports. Daily activities are designed to build positive character traits, self awareness, and lifelong social skills. Are you interested?

Justo en la escuela
Todos los días de 16:05 a 18:00
envíe un correo electrónico a jennie.vie@rightatschool.com
Llena el registro aquí. (Código de acceso: DPSHamilton22)
SOLO 40 lugares disponibles. Los niños reciben apoyo diario con la tarea, experiencias prácticas de aprendizaje, participan en actividades como ajedrez, arte, lectura y proyectos en equipo, y participan en juegos y deportes de acondicionamiento físico. Las actividades diarias están diseñadas para desarrollar rasgos de carácter positivos, conciencia de sí mismo y habilidades sociales para toda la vida. ¿Estás interesado?

Great Things Happening at HMS

Mizel Museum Partnership

Hamilton has a partnership with Mizel Museum to bring Bridges of Cultural Understanding to our students. We will be starting with 6th graders next week.

Bridges of Cultural Understanding teaches cross-cultural understanding through an interactive virtual presentation of themes and rituals from around the world.

Through our easy-to-use online platform led by a Mizel Museum educator, your students will:

  • Interact with themes and objects from around the world
  • Learn how various cultures approach celebrations, special events, and traditions
  • Explore the commonalities and differences across communities, fostering empathy and understanding

Blue Ribbon Week in November

Hamilton Middle School Community Closet

Want to learn how you can help? Reach out to our school liaison Dimarlys Suarez for more information.

HMS Sports

The Hamilton Flag Football won their game yesterday vs DCIS Baker score of 48-0.


Below is the schedule of the rest of our games:

  • 10/20/22 Hamilton @ DCIS Baker (W 48-0)
  • 10/28/22 Hamilton @ Denver Discovery 
  • 11/1/22 McAuliffe @ Hamilton
  • 11/3/22 Hill @ Hamilton 
  • 11/15 Hamilton vs Denver Green @ George Washington High School 
  • 11/17 Place Bridge @ Hamilton 

*All athletes must register and have a signed physical before they can try out for any sport. Visit our Athletics page for more information on Hamilton Sports.

PTSA News 


  • Thank you to all the families and students that came out to the Skate City Glow Night. A good time was had by all.  Hamilton PTSA made $640 that we can use to put back into serving the staff at Hamilton Middle School. 
  • Thank you for supporting our October Dines Out Event at Bad Daddy’s Burger  in the Landmark. The food was yummy!  We will share our proceeds once we have final numbers. 


More detailed information about these events will be posted in Digital Deets

  • Fall Festival on 10/29
  • Poinsettia Sales 10/29 – 11/18
  • Defy Night out 11/10 6-8 pm  
  • Wish Shopping Night 11/16


  • Support PTSA through membership. Become a member with a $10, $20 or $50 donation. There is no need to attend meetings, volunteer at events or sell items. We won’t hound you to participate further but we will inform you of what is going on and how PTSA is supporting Hamilton. Your membership donation goes to helping Fund classroom projects and supporting our staff through appreciation events and more. Become a member today by clicking this link
  • Stock the Shelves: Purchase an item for our stock the staff lounge ongoing campaign. We are working to keep the staff lounge stocked with yummy snacks for our amazing Hamilton staff members. If you are able to donate a box of granola bars, bags of popcorn, etc. then email us at hamiltonptsadenver@gmail.com. We will be in touch on how you can donate these much appreciated goodies. 
  • Poinsettia Sales have begun. You can use this link  to pre order your plants or come by the PTSA booth at the fall festival to get information on how you can purchase a beautiful poinsettia plant for your holiday decorating and gift giving needs. The flowers are being sold for $20 with proceeds going back to the PTSA to support Hamilton staff and community events. Plants will be handed out on Friday, December 2nd. 

Poinsettia Sale QR Code

 We hope to see you at the next General PTSA meeting on Wednesday, November 9th at 5:30pm. Zoom log in information will be sent in Digital Deets a few days leading up to the meeting. 

School Reminders

Check out this section for helpful information. If you have any questions, contact our school liaison, Dimarlys Suarez 720-423-9456.
Sign Up for Digital Deets

Hamilton will be using Digital Deets to streamline school-to-home communication this year. Their “one app for all” solution enables all of the members of a school community to easily receive information. Here’s how you can sign up:

  1. Head to www.digitaldeets.com or download their mobile app available for iOS and Android.
  2. Sign up and connect to your child. (No Digital Deets Code for your child? No problem! Use the Look it Up Link.)
  3. You will begin to receive targeted, relevant information related to your children.
Family Connection Presentation

Please review our Family Connection Presentation to get information on our IB programs, arrival and dismissal, extracurricular activities, and more!

New Parent Corner

Visit our Parent Corner for information on school policies, lunch menus, Way to Go School Pool, Parent Portal, family resources, and more!

New Student Corner

Visit our Student Corner for more information on our bell schedule, school supplies, school trips, HMS school calendar, and more!

Lunch Information

Due to the expiration of Federal Waivers that Nutrition Services has been operating under since the beginning of the pandemic, school lunches will no longer be free for all students in the 2022-23 school year. All students will need to be recorded by student ID numbers when they take their breakfast and lunch. Breakfast will remain at no charge for all students.

Lunch prices for 2022-23 will be as follows:
Elementary lunches: $2.60
Middle School lunches: $2.75
High School lunches: $3

Lunch Menu for October

Whole Child Team
Community Liaison: Dimarlys Suarez
Social Worker: Audrey Torrez-Fluent
School Counselor: Rebecca Taylor
Dean of Culture (7th | 6th last names M-Z): Ike Ogbuike
720-423- 9461
Dean of Culture (8th | 6th last names A-L): Michelle Powell
720-423- 9521
Student Support Liaisons: 
Gloria Sanchez
Katrina Craig
720-423- 9533
Psychologist: Emily Johnson
Psychologist Intern: Alexis Wagemanalexis_wageman@dpsk12.net
Nurse’s Corner

A bill to extend the I Matter program, House Bill 22-1243, passed the Colorado Senate on April 29. With the Governor’s signature, free mental health services will be available to all Colorado youth for another two years. Read these stories of impact on the Rocky Mountain PBS blog and at KSBY.com.

I Matter provides free therapy sessions in English and Spanish for youth in Colorado age 18 and younger, or age 21 or younger if receiving special education services, and has reached 2,350 youth with at least one session.

Visit the Nurse’s Corner here.

Community Information

Citywide Food Pantry

Clothes to Kids

Von’s Vision Locker Days

 Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP)
Healthy Food Boxes Program
FBR Mobile Pantry – Risen Christ Catholic Parish

3060 South Monaco Parkway Denver Colorado 80222

Get Directions


No eligibility requirements for Mobile Food Pantry.

TEFAP food is available for income-eligible households and to households that participate in select public assistance programs. Please bring a photo ID to sign up. No proof of income required.




2nd & 4th Thursdays starting at 3:00pm.


TEFAP and Non-TEFAP products are available at Mobile Pantry Sites. This institution is an equal opportunity provider.

First time visiting a Food Bank of the Rockies Pantry? Speed up your visit by using Link2Feed. It’s as simple as creating a client profile ahead of time at NewClient.Link2Feed.com. Already have a Client ID number? No need to reregister.

Need Help Paying Your Energy Bill?


Registrar Esther Blackmonesther_blackmon@dpsk12.net | 720-423-9505
AttendanceRicardo Guerrajose_guerra@dpsk12.net | 720-423-9504
Technology Jean Barcelo-Cabezajean_barcelo-cabeza@dpsk12.net | 720-423-9542
School LiaisonDimarlys Suarezdimarlys_suarez@dpsk12.net | 720-423-9456
Transportationtransportation@dpsk12.net | 720-423-4600
GT/504/SpEdRachel Langbergrachel_langberg@dpsk12.net | 720-423-9508